Registered Massage Therapy in Toronto
We are trained in and offer a number of techniques - your therapist will discuss your needs with you. All of our massages are performed by
Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) and the cost is often covered by your employee health benefit program.
Registered Massage Therapists (RMT) and the cost is often covered by your employee health benefit program.
Services & Rates(Effective Date:October1,2023)
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Consultation 15 minutes | $0
RMT Massage 30 minutes | $65 RMT Massage 45 minutes | $85 RMT Massage 60 minutes | $105 |
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RMT Massage 75 minutes | $130
RMT Massage 90 minutes | $155 RMT Massage 105 minutes | $180 RMT Massage 120 minutes | $200 |
HST is included in prices. Receipts for Registered Massage Therapy will be provided at time of payment.
Please submit receipts directly to your Insurance Provider.
Please submit receipts directly to your Insurance Provider.
Terms and Clinic Policies
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Cancellation PolicyThis time has been set aside for you. Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours notice are subject to the clinic's cancellation fees, up to full price of the appointment.
Appointment ConfirmationBy booking an appointment the client agrees to receive email or text confirmation and reminder. You may also receive an email to subscribe to our news and promotions. You may unsubscribe at any time.
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Late ArrivalIf you arrive late for your appointment, your treatment will be conducted within the remaining amount of time.
Lost or stolen articlesPlease make sure that you have all of your belongings with you before leaving our office. Hossein Hojaty and King St Massage are not responsible for your lost or stolen articles.
No pets Allowed